I create my pottery from stoneware fired in a wood or soda kiln to 2300 degrees fahrenheit. The clay body I use has been specially formulated to give the warm, earthy toned surfaces that I love and the durability my customers deserve. I use around 8 surfaces because I believe that restricting yourself to less forces you to explore the full extent of each. Also, I don't want to hide the beauty of the bare clay itself.
My pots are created on the wheel and often altered at a very wet state. They are then bisqued and decorated. I will often cover the entire surface of a pot with an iron or black wash and do designs in wax resist over the surface. Then the piece is dipped in a white crackle slip, covering everything except where the wax was put down. These pots then receive an ash glaze exterior and liner glaze. Last but not least, they are carefully wadded and placed in the kiln to be fired.
Pots being glazed.
Fired pots in the kiln.